Integrate Zoho SMTP Mail Configurations in Laravel?

Integrate Zoho SMTP Mail Configurations in Laravel?

The integration zoho mail  in Laravel. we  need to do is to set the Mail Configuration in the ENV of Laravel.

  • MAIL_DRIVER -  set  default value of zoho document is  SMTP.
  • MAIL_HOST -  follow the Zoho document,  Check in which region your account is create you ,  For me  the account is in the Indian region so I need to use instead of instead of
  • MAIL_ENCRYPTIONThe mail encryption can be SSL or TLS.
  • MAIL_PORT - The mail port will depend on MAIL_ENCRYPTION. For SSL choose 465 and for TLS you need to set the MAIL_PORT to 587.
  • MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS & MAIL_USERNAME - Both parameters will have the same value. The values should be the email address of the Zoho account.  For MAIL_USERNAME, there is no information about what should be the value of this parameter. The example you’ll see will provide a dummy value but what you need to use is simply the email address of your Zoho account.
  • MAIL_PASSWORD - At many places, you’ll find that you need to use the password of your account but you need to use an app-specific password. You’ll need to generate an App Specific address from your Zoho account dashboard

Example -  in your .env file  in laravel project set or change following  variable values 

MAIL_DRIVER=smtp // check your account region


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